CPO Crunch: See savings as a starting point
Cutting costs is back in fashion – but delivering savings should not be leaders’ only goal
Cutting costs is back in fashion – but delivering savings should not be leaders’ only goal
A ‘post-global’ era requires CPOs to evolve their thinking
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Regardless of regulators, CPOs remain committed to delivering sustainable value
A ‘hidden’ $77bn risk means your supply chain’s ‘water footprint’ could soon become a critical KPI
Greater internal collaboration could help solve a host of data difficulties – for procurement and the business
Chief procurement officers raising the bar for sustainability share the secrets of their success
Pooling knowledge and amplifying the different conversations taking place across boardroom will help CPOs to deliver deeper Scope 3 reductions
Labour abuses are a blight on our world, but CPOs have the power to deliver change
Ovation 2024 provided a timely reminder to us all of the importance of the chief procurement officer role
Arguments surrounding ESG risk compromising long-term value delivery
Only by working together will procurement teams find a way to solve the Scope 3 conundrum
It’s never too early to think about who will follow in your footsteps
Reports of its demise may have been exaggerated, but the process will change
Achieving resilience is about much more than supply chain visibility
Procurement must be flexible, scalable, resilient, agile and efficient
Procurement’s value contribution goes well beyond cost, but few teams are actively measuring it
Last week’s gathering in London showed procurement has a platform from which to drive even greater impact
The World Procurement Congress and Awards beckon
Focusing on profit contribution can provide a starting point for improving supply chain transparency
With CPOs’ to-do lists growing ever-longer, building trusted relationships is proving ever-more valuable
Fancy strategies are all well and good but stakeholder relationships are the place to start
The European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism directive and the growth of ‘oligons’ will drive continued supply chain redesign
There’s work for CPOs and their teams to do in order for the ‘magic’ of AI to happen
Taking time to clarify your team’s purpose is a powerful – and valuable – task
Focusing on the value-add opportunities will help CPOs to capitalise fully on the disruptive promise of AI
Although companies are clear on the importance of sustainability, what is less clear is which function should take the lead
As procurement’s remit grows and businesses place more demands on the function, CPOs are assessing – and reassessing – their operating models
CPOs must take a lead on encouraging industry collaboration if they are to drive progress on sustainability
Why extending the CPO remit could shift corporate thinking and unlock new sources of long-term value
While culture may be difficult to get right, it’s an important enabler of outstanding performance
Delivering on ESG requires system-level changes. Is your function up to the challenge?
It’s during times of uncertainty and disruption that procurement chiefs truly appreciate the value of trusted relationships
Despite the macroeconomic and geopolitical gloom, procurement
provides reasons for optimism
Procurement can play a pivotal role in helping to find solutions to societal challenges
Although working with suppliers can be challenging, procurement teams that build trusted relationships can reap the rewards
AI offers CPOs a unique opportunity – one that leaders must begin to factor into their long-term digitalisation roadmaps