CPO Crunch: See savings as a starting point
Cutting costs is back in fashion – but delivering savings should not be leaders’ only goal
Cutting costs is back in fashion – but delivering savings should not be leaders’ only goal
A ‘post-global’ era requires CPOs to evolve their thinking
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Regardless of regulators, CPOs remain committed to delivering sustainable value
In partnership with Emitwise: Businesses must elevate their capabilities – and those of their suppliers – to calculate supply chain emissions accurately
A ‘hidden’ $77bn risk means your supply chain’s ‘water footprint’ could soon become a critical KPI
Greater internal collaboration could help solve a host of data difficulties – for procurement and the business
Chief procurement officers raising the bar for sustainability share the secrets of their success
Pooling knowledge and amplifying the different conversations taking place across boardroom will help CPOs to deliver deeper Scope 3 reductions
Labour abuses are a blight on our world, but CPOs have the power to deliver change
In partnership with Ivalua: CPOs must be prepared to pilot at pace, fail and learn from their mistakes to accelerate the adoption of AI and capture the full value that the technology offers
Ovation 2024 provided a timely reminder to us all of the importance of the chief procurement officer role
Arguments surrounding ESG risk compromising long-term value delivery
Only by working together will procurement teams find a way to solve the Scope 3 conundrum
It’s never too early to think about who will follow in your footsteps
Reports of its demise may have been exaggerated, but the process will change
Achieving resilience is about much more than supply chain visibility
In association with SpendHQ: Discover how functional structures are evolving in response to changing demands and their own particular circumstances
Procurement must be flexible, scalable, resilient, agile and efficient
Procurement’s value contribution goes well beyond cost, but few teams are actively measuring it
Last week’s gathering in London showed procurement has a platform from which to drive even greater impact
The World Procurement Congress and Awards beckon