Geopolitical tensions, macroeconomic factors, climate change, protectionism and the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed significant supply chain vulnerabilities over recent years. To safeguard their businesses in 2023 and beyond, leaders are placing resilience at the core of their supply chains as they look to move beyond firefighting and deliver a new era of procurement value.
Building future-fit supply networks
Disruption arising from economic and geopolitical uncertainty, conflict, and climate change threatens supply chains and consumer demand – CPOs must be alert to the risks
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Redesigning supply chains for resilience
Ongoing disruption is prompting procurement teams to review and alter their supply chains. For many organisations, these changes are more than mere temporary measures.
The proportion of CPOs that said their organisation has already started to make permanent changes to its supply chain as a result of recent events.

Plotting realistic response plans
Functions must ensure they stress-test their existing supply chains and develop clear and practical plans so the business can react quickly when disruption strikes.
“This is where procurement needs to become more disciplined: we need to become more elaborate in terms of our scenario planning and realistic in terms of mitigation plans. Often, even when a scenario plan is in place, the question remains: how realistic is the mitigation plan?”
Sébastien Bals, Head of Global Procurement, UCB

Reinventing approaches to inventory
Delays, disruption and uncertainty have prompted businesses to rethink their approaches to inventory management.
The proportion of respondents that said their organisation will aim to keep higher levels of inventory in 2023 than it did three years ago.